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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Embossed Metal Under Envirotex Lite

 I wanted to show you how fabulous embossed metal looks under resin. 
 If you have not followed what is popular in the paper arts world you may not know that many crafters are embossing thin sheets of metal in their paper embossing folders.  I made this silver metal sheet of fleur-de-lis in one pass in my Big Shot.

Metal does not need sealing.  I simply cut my square and glued it to my bezel.  See how the embossed ridges get magnified under resin?
I used Envirotex Lite for this project, but of course you could use Jewelry Resin
I did have one problem though.  
I did not glue my metal to the bezel properly.  
While you do not notice this mistake when you are looking at the bezel from the front....a closer look at the edge will show you that my metal peeled away from the bezel.  Luckily for me, the resin still covered it.  Next time I will use a better glue to ensure the metal is glued securely!


  1. Oh I am going to have to do this one!!! Thanks.

  2. i like to by the embossed metal, do you know the dealer?

    1. No dealer, I embossed it myself with a paper crafting embossing folder.

  3. Nice Job I will ty it my self.


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