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Friday, August 24, 2012

Resin In Paper

 I made something tiny for myself this week.  
This lady has her back to a clear Jewelry Resin wall.
 It gave me the opportunity to remind you that you can pour Jewelry Resin successfully in a paper enclosure if you seal the edges with several coats of Mod Podge.  This is what my card board looked like with my resin covered flower.
This is another sample I made with just paper. 
You don't need metal bezels to create wonderful pendants or jewelery components.


  1. wow, never thought about using paper....

  2. very cool! love the first one!

  3. Hey, I had a question. I have noticed that when doing a thin casting in a mold, Easy Cast stays flexible. Do you know if Jewelry Resin will harden completely? Thanks.

  4. I know that when Jewelry resin spills on my non stick sheet that it is soft in 12 hours. If I leave the blob for the full cure it does not bend at all.


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