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Monday, July 9, 2012

Stamping with Stampendous and Jewelry Resin

 Welcome to a week of posts which will feature 
Stampendous! products and Jewelry Resin!
Today I will show you how I utilized some of the fabulous clear stamps in the Stampendous! catalog so that I could make a whole group on interesting bezels and bottle caps!
I love rubber stamping and have taught many Rubber Stamping 101 classes!  
In order to stamp and then use paper images which will then be encased in resin I chose to stamp with a black permanent ink pad.
(To get links to the Stampendous products I am using you can see everything on Sunday's blog post.)
 I then cut and glued my images into several different types of bezels.
 I sealed all my paper images with three painted layers of Mod Podge.  Each time I applied a coating I waited several hours before I painted on the next layer.
 I applied some vinyl stickers to my images.
 Stampendous has some amazing sticker sheets in their catalog too!
 I added some glue in places so that glitter would have a place to cling.
 I poured glitter into the whole cap and when my glue was dry I brushed away the excess glitter.
 I added sequins and some paint dots to a few bezels.
 In a few cases I poured resin a second time.  This allowed me to use gel markers on the first layer which was encased in a top coat of resin.
 I just added a few highlights to the black and white bezels.
 My finished bezels look great!
 I will probably create a necklace with this grouping.  Don't you love the glitter borders?
 My tower was hard to looks super in person.
 The bottle caps look layered and my extra layer of resin created a nice dome.
 The gel marker is very subtle but a fun addition to these pendants.
 I already know what I am doing with one of the bottle caps.
 This pendant was immediately wearable too!

I hope you have a chance to add some rubber stamping to your resin projects.

There is so much more to show you this week!

To get links to the Stampendous products I am using you can see everything on Sunday's blog post.

NATURALLY there are Prizes!!
Carmi has 3 prize packages that can be won by our fans in Canada where she lives. She will draw three Canadian winners from the comments on her blog all week.

We have 3 prize packages for our friends with US mailing addresses.
We'll draw one winner from the weekly comments on our blog.
We'll draw one winner from the comments on Saturday's Big Blog Hop
We'll draw one winner from Facebook - You need to SHARE one or more of our posts about this project on your Timeline **

So who has made something fun for us today? 
Visit them, leave some love! Win some cool stuff!

Cyndi Bundy 
 Kristine Reynolds
Susie Moore
Wendy Jordan


  1. WOWed again Carmi. Great use of stamps. Looking forward to more of your stamped resin creations this week. Pam B

  2. Great collection and items! I especially love all the prints and that shell ring.
    Engagement Rings

  3. The bezels look fantastic! Thanks again Carmi!

    Beverly Anger-Nelson

  4. Love these the littlle sparkles of glitter aroung the edges I am soo loving them :)

  5. Your project are just gorgeous! I can't believe how beautiful they all are!!!!

  6. Your energy and enthusiasm always grab me, Miss Carmi! I love what you have done here. I like to use layers in resin as well. My favorite is to use transparency sheets stamped with images or printed from my printer to have the floating effect in the layers. Enjoy the day, Miss Carmi! Erin

  7. Love the stamps and the glitter. It makes me want to start resinating! I have some lacy bezels. How do you pour resin in them? I taped them but it didn't work good and the tape worked away and resin seeped out the bezel on the lacy sides. Can I sand that?

  8. Wow, this is a totally new to me project. Gotta read the instructions again, more slowly. Love the end result!

  9. Carmi, these are fantastic! What fun! We've had such fun playing with you, this is going to be an inspiring week!!

  10. This is a really neat idea! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Carmi, thanks for sharing the details on how you created the second layer of embellishments to the bezels. The bezels look fantastic!

  12. Wow, fantastic each and every one of them. Thank you so much for your detailed description and step-by-step. It was really inspiring.

  13. I love the horse pendant! It looks so fun, I would definitely wear that on a necklace or even a cuff bracelet! Can't wait to see more! And the gel pens on the black/whites look really good!

  14. Samantha
    Beauitful, just as I think the scrapping community has made everything
    a work of art like this is pictured, just lovely.

  15. Lovely jewlery, it would never occured to me to color over a picture once it was stamped but I can see why one would do that. TFS, such lovely ideas,

  16. Wow, what great ideas!!

    Carol B

  17. I like the use of the gel pens. Really gives it dimension

  18. Love these! Love all the different ways you embellished them too.

  19. Carmi, this was so fun to play along with you using the Jewelry Resin. Your creations turned out fabulous!

  20. Amazing how simple stamped images can turn into such fabulous pieces!

  21. I'm in Canada! Yay! :) I keep trying to remember to pick up some gel pens, I really want to try that.

  22. So beautiful! Each one has it's own. Character and style. I love the different layers of sequins and paints with the stamps

  23. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pendants! What a great idea using the stamps!

  24. Luv the glitter borders!....and the images....and the gel pens....and get the idea!

  25. I love each and everyone of these pendants! Fabulous!

  26. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this series! Reading this is now my favorite thing to do when I get home from work! Can't wait to get back to creating with resin in two weeks!

  27. WOW, WOW, WOW!!! I guess that sums up the hop. You did a fabulous job. I love the resin and thank you for the chance to use it.

  28. These are so pretty!
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  29. These are seriously AMAZING projects!! I have not yet worked with resin, but intend to try my creative hand at it soon!

  30. Just Gorgeous! Love all of them!

  31. Carmi
    These are absolutley beautiful. I like the images when they are just plain, but them when you add glitter and paint etc. they just popped. I must try this. Thanks for sharing your ideas and the steps used in your creations.

  32. Samantha, so beautiful!!! Fabulous job on all of them.

  33. I had seen a lot of resin focal points lately and this is so timely! I am definetly going to try it! thanks so much.

  34. Awesome job! They look absolutely stunning and gorgeous. Thanks the the great pictures and information!


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