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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Stampendous Fragments and Jewelry Resin

I hope that this necklace caught your eye.
 This is also a new favorite!
 This is day two of my week of posts dedicated to Stampendous! products 
and our collaboration with Jewelry Resin!
 The Stampendous design team all received Jewelry Resin and a number of other goodies to work with.
 In my stash of Stampendous products was this collection of mica and colored fragments and glitter.   I decided to see how these fabulous items would look embedded in resin.
Step One:  In my mold I poured in about 1/8 of an inch of Jewelry Resin and let it cure over night.
 Step Two:  The next day I glued fragments to the first layer of resin and let that dry.
Step Three:  I poured a second layer of Jewelry Resin over the fragments 
and let that cure for another day.
 Step Four:  On day three I mixed two batches of Jewelry Resin and added white and black pigment to colour it.  These coloured resin batches were then poured into the molds.  
I then let the mold cure for 48 hours (a full cure.)
 Sometimes it is hard to get your molded pieces to pop out of the original mold after they have cured.  If you place your mold in the freezer for an hour, they will pop out easily.
 One of my pieces I sanded in order to get it to fit into a bezel.
 Here are the fragments on white.
 The other molded pieces I encased in clay and turned them into pendants as well.
 The mica fragments are quite beautiful.
 The black resin really does make each chip shine.
 Finally, I could not resist making one more sample.  This bezel I simply filled with fragments and glitter.  These items have been glued in place.
 I poured Jewelry Resin over the dried piece....and it is now so gorgeous!

 I don't think anyone will be surprised to hear that I love the fragments!
 There is still so much more to show you this week!
To get links to the Stampendous products I am using you can see everything on Sunday's blog post.

NATURALLY there are Prizes!!
Carmi has 3 prize packages that can be won 
by our fans in Canada where she lives.  In order to make this selection easier she will have
one blog post this Friday inviting Canadians 
to leave a comment to win.

Stampendous has 3 prize packages for our friends with US mailing addresses.
We'll draw one winner from the weekly comments on our blog.
We'll draw one winner from the comments on Saturday's Big Blog Hop
We'll draw one winner from Facebook - You need to SHARE one or more of our posts about this project on your Timeline **

So who has made something fun for us today? 
Visit them, leave some love! Win some cool stuff!


  1. Gorgeous! I love seeing how you've incorporated the mica and color fragments into the resin!

  2. Love how you created these.....waiting has got to be the hardest part!

  3. Wow! I love how the glitter and mica fragments shine and sparkle. I would love using those with resin! Speaking of- I was about to start playing with resin last week when I realized I have nothing to mix it in-what type of measuring cup are you using and how do you clean it between uses??

    1. Your mixing materials are one time use I try to find inexpensive graduated/medicine mixing cups and pop cycle sticks.
      Resin has to be accurately measured 1 to 1 so the tiny cups from the pharmacy are ideal.

  4. Very cool - I need to get one of those molds!!

  5. Wow! I love all the bezel. I'd never thought Fragments could look so good on jewelry! Fabulous pieces, Carmi!

  6. These are amazing to look at thanks for sharing I know what is going on my wish list :)

  7. Oh yikes....these are fabulous. I want molds. I would love to make these!!!

  8. These are awesome with the fragments!
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  9. Wow those pendants look lovely, I need to get some of these made myself my friends would love these as gifts at Christmas.

    Rhodium Jewelry

  10. I had no idea that there was a black resin. Loving that! The fragments with the black really popped

  11. Those fragments are fantastic. I have to add those to my stash of craft materials.

  12. This looks like something I should learn so I can teach it to others at my bead shop. You have created some really great things.

  13. You are incredibly creative Carmi! I love those molds and now that I am addicted to this great resin (thank you), I must have them. Every single one of your pendants is amazing. LOVE the Stampendous Mica Fragments suspended in them. Fantastic!!!!!

  14. OH WOW! Carmi, these are fantastic! I love how different each one is, they would be so easy to make in batches for family gifts or to sell at a craft or jewelry fair! Just gorgeous!!

  15. I absolutely MUST get some fragments to play with ... what STUNNING results!!!

  16. I loved the frist necklace. I think it is just bueatiful. It makes me want to strat a resin project

  17. Another brilliant technique! Love the layering. Beautiful necklaces.

  18. I too love the fragments and the color tones are beautiful. A friend of mine would call an arrangement of these beauties a powder necklace. Great showcasing of the high quality product

  19. These look like so much fun to make and gift. I'm very curious as to what you glue the fragments and glitter in with?

  20. Any glue that dries clear will work.

  21. Samantha,
    I love how you used the mica and colored fragments and glitter.


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