Resin Crafts Information Sections!

Friday, April 13, 2012

The BIG Nunn Design Give-a-Way!

This is an awesome give-a-way.
Nunn Design has donated a huge collection of their special components, many of which I featured on the blog this week.
This give-a-way has over 50 items!
Winter Collection 2012 Nunn Design Give-a-way

One piece each of the following items:
  1. Cp-gb  Channel Pendant-Gold
  2. Cp-sb  Channel Pendant-Silver
  3. Cp-cb  Channel Pendant-Copper
  4. Cp-ssb  Channel Pendant-Sterling Silver
  5. Cbl-gb  Channel Bead Large-Gold
  6. Cbl-sb  Channel Bead Large -Silver
  7. Cbl-cb  Channel Bead Large -Copper
  8. Cbl-ssb  Channel Bead Large -Sterling Silver
  9. Cbm-gb  Channel Bead Medium -Gold
  10. Cbm-sb  Channel Bead Medium -Silver
  11. Cbm-cb  Channel Bead Medium -Copper
  12. Cbm-ssb  Channel Bead Medium -Sterling Silver
  13. Cbs-gb  Channel Bead Small -Gold
  14. Cbs-sb  Channel Bead Small -Silver
  15. Cbs-cb  Channel Bead Small -Copper
  16. Cbs-ssb  Channel Bead Small -Sterling Silver
  17. Csbfcb-Collage Sheet Butterflies-Channel Beads
  18. Csbcb-  Collage Sheet Birds-Channel Beads
  19. Csacb-  Collage Sheet Angels-Channel Beads
  20. Csmcb-  Collage Sheet Madonna-Channel Beads
  21. ompc-gb  Ornate Mini Pendant Circle-Gold
  22. ompc-sb  Ornate Mini Pendant Circle-Silver
  23. ompc-cb  Ornate Mini Pendant Circle-Copper
  24. ompc-ssb  Ornate Mini Pendant Circle-Sterling
  25. ompcs-gb  Ornate Mini Pendant Circle Single-Gold
  26. ompcs-sb  Ornate Mini Pendant Circle Single -Silver
  27. ompcs-cb  Ornate Mini Pendant Circle Single -Copper
  28. ompcs-ssb  Ornate Mini Pendant Circle Single -Sterling
  29. ompo-gb  Ornate Mini Pendant Oval-Gold
  30. ompo-sb  Ornate Mini Pendant Oval-Silver
  31. ompo-cb  Ornate Mini Pendant Oval-Copper
  32. ompo-ssb  Ornate Mini Pendant Oval-Sterling
  33. ompos-gb  Ornate Mini Pendant Oval Single-Gold
  34. ompos-sb  Ornate Mini Pendant Oval Single -Silver
  35. ompos-cb  Ornate Mini Pendant Oval Single -Copper
  36. ompos-ssb  Ornate Mini Pendant Oval Single -Sterling
  37. ompr-gb  Ornate Mini Pendant Rectangle-Gold
  38. ompr-sb  Ornate Mini Pendant Rectangle -Silver
  39. ompr-cb  Ornate Mini Pendant Rectangle -Copper
  40. ompr-ssb  Ornate Mini Pendant Rectangle -Sterling
  41. omprs-gb  Ornate Mini Pendant Rectangle Single-Gold
  42. omprs-sb  Ornate Mini Pendant Rectangle Single -Silver
  43. omprs-cb  Ornate Mini Pendant Rectangle Single -Copper
  44. omprs-ssb  Ornate Mini Pendant Rectangle Single -Sterling
  45. omps-gb  Ornate Mini Pendant Square-Gold
  46. omps-sb  Ornate Mini Pendant Square -Silver
  47. omps-cb  Ornate Mini Pendant Square -Copper
  48. omps-ssb  Ornate Mini Pendant Square -Sterling
  49. ompss-gb  Ornate Mini Pendant Square Single-Gold
  50. ompss-sb  Ornate Mini Pendant Square Single -Silver
  51. ompss-cb  Ornate Mini Pendant Square Single -Copper
  52. ompss-ssb  Ornate Mini Pendant Square Single -Sterling
How do you win this great Nunn Design collection?
ONE  Leave a comment right here on this blog post.  
TWO  The winner also must have "LIKED" our Facebook page to be eligible. 

The winner will be randomly selected on 
Monday April 23 at 4pm EST.

To see all the posts I created featuring Nunn Design 
components see these links:
Nunn Design Ornate Brooch - Post One
Nunn Design Charms - Post Two
Nunn Design Double sided Tag - Post Three
Nunn Design Channel Beads - Post Four
The Nunn Design Blog is a wonderful source of inspiration too!


  1. ooohhhhhh!!! i know what to do with these!!!

  2. What an Awesome Giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance!!!

  3. I could go to TOWN on these! Fingers and toes crossed x

  4. Amazing giveaway! I could have fun with these... :)

  5. Oh WOW! I was randomly looking at resin blogs for inspiration on my own experiments and your blog was the first one I randomly clicked. AND you are having an AWESOME giveaway. So I def liked the FB page!

  6. Pick me! Pick me! These are just the type of pretty things I am looking for.

  7. I would love these! Thanks for the chance.

  8. So many things I could do with these pieces!!! Pick me pick me :) LOVE NUNN DESIGN!

  9. Oh my goodness...what a fabulous array of pieces! cyndi at mazeltovjewelry dot com

  10. I would love to win this great giveaway!

  11. wowee zowee! What an awesome prize package! Thanks for the chance to win! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  12. What a wonderful giveaway Carmi! These are all beautiful!

  13. My goodness! What's not to love about this giveaway?! What a fabulous assortment of inspiration. Yes, I have liked you on FB too. Whoever wins will be very happy indeed!

  14. What a fabulous giveaway! Is it open to international followers? I hope so! I'd love to have the opportunity to win that amazing stash :-). Oh, and I 'liked' the fB page too.

  15. Ooh la la...I'm coming over right away to get these-oh, forgot they're not mine yet (lol). What a cornucopia of loveliness-resin, here I come!

  16. What a great opportunity to create!!! There is Nunn other for me!!!

  17. Wow!! What an amazing giveaway!!

  18. What an exciting giveaway!!! Thanks so much to you and Nunn Designs!!

  19. that is a truly impressive give-a-way! I have liked you on Facebook under Sarah S. (sallaevilincarnate at yahoo dot com)

    Good luck to all!

  20. Truly a treasure trove of treats!! What a generous giveaway!

  21. love love this site, your FB page has led me down the path to other sites too.. You guys

  22. OH Wow! My mind is spinning with possibilities. Awesome giveaway!

  23. Eneter me please. I also liked your facebook page. Lots of awesome ggdies in this giveaway and a great blog too.

  24. Wow, what a great giveaway full of awesome stuff. I have a ton of ideas for them. This blog always has great stuff. Already a facebook fan.

  25. Oh I like this giveaway and I liked the page too!

  26. OK I tried to comment but it got timed out. I'll try it again, and apologize if this is a duplicate.

    I would love to see this awesome giveaway prize arrive in my mail box. Thanks for the chance to win.

    I've also like the FB page.

  27. I've enjoyed your series on the new resin and Nunn Crafts items. Would love to have such a great stash to work with!

  28. Carmi, this is awesome. I love the Nunn Design pendants and all the things they do on their website. Your blog inspires me too, you are so creative.

    I liked the facebook page and can't wait to get all this stuff in the mail. LOL

  29. Wow, this is an awesome prize for the person who is lucky enough to win. Perhaps it could be me?

  30. This is an awesome giveaway, thank you for the chance to win!

  31. These all look like so much fun. I have been following your blog, but as a different user name and I've been really enjoying the stuff you've come up with!

  32. Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  33. OH I LOVE NUNN DESIGNS, and I LOVE WHAT YOU DO WITH THEM! I hope I win these beauties. Thanks for the chance to win them! sorry to post twice, I got so excited about the the give away I forgot to put my name in. Robin Tarbert Neff on facebook.

  34. I'm thinking there's going to be a plethora of comments/entries in an attempt to win this terrific give away. Count me in! (and, I'll have to "Like" the FB page later this evening... I'm cut off from FB at work)

  35. Count me in! This is SO FABULOUS! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity, Carmi and Nunn Design!

  36. I've been using Nunn bezels for about a year, and they are perfect for my photo jewelry! I hope I win and get to try all of these out!!

  37. Nice giveaway. I always look for your posts on FB so I can "keep up" with your work. And thanks for all the online tips for resin. I appreciate folks who are willing to share their experiences and knowledge! :)

  38. Wow! Great selection. I would live to receive this collection of goodies to play with.

  39. Lots of cool stuff I'd love to play with.

  40. What a great giveaway! Please enter me into the drawing! I will also like you on FB.

  41. Oooooh - lots of goodies! Great giveaway! Thx for all the resin inspiration, ideas and giveaway opportunity! Liked you on FB too! (Mixikim aka EK Hil)

  42. Wow! What a fabulous giveaway. And I'm kinda of surprised I hadn't already liked the FB page. I have rectified that error. ;) I love this blog, it's what got me over my fear of resin and just go for it!

  43. What a great giveaway! I would love to play with these!!

  44. Great giveaway! I am already a follower :)

  45. Ooo La La!!! I love Nunn Designs components (have visited Becky several times in Tucson at the bead shows) and the projects you've so generously shared with us on your blog. I've liked your page and have my fingers crossed that I'm the winner! But even if I'm not, I look forward to more projects using these quality components.

  46. Wow I love your site and Nunn stuff. I hope I win -- maybe not nice to say. Any one who does win will be very lucky. Very cool stuff!!!!!

  47. I have been following your blog all week and have loved all your Nunn designs they have given me loads of inspiration and ideas. I would be flabbergasted if I actually was lucky enough to win such an outstanding and generous giveaway. The Nunn products are top quality and would be a real treat to work with and try out some of your ideas.
    Thank you very much.
    Gillian Cunningham-Wright on Facebook

  48. i would love to win!! even more i would love to have time like you do to play with resin, bezels and all the other fun stuff you play with!! great that Nunn Design is feeding our habits and love for all things resin!! thanks for sharing!!

  49. oooo--Bezel Candy! I would love to have fun with these!

  50. Beautiful giveaway dreaming of the creations I could make with these at hand. Thanks Ruth!

  51. Your blog is very interesting. I check it every day to see what amazing jewels you have done. I started to make little jewels too but I am not as good as you. It would be a great chance to receive this giveaway and make beautiful jewels like you. Melisande.

  52. Oh!! What a marvelous give away!!! I would love to win this... :D
    I have liked your facebook page...

  53. I liked your FB page but I LOVE this give-away, spectacular!

  54. Wow! This is incredible! Good luck, everyone!

  55. What a giveaway. Love reading your blog - thanks for trying so many things, I now have a place to refer to so I don't have as MANY mess up attempts as I did in the beginning, lol.

  56. These Nunn components look fabulous! I'd love to win and add these to my beading stash!

  57. Thank you Carmi for all you have done for us! I hope all of your followers are inspired!

    Becky Nunn
    ps: I won't be eligible to win!

  58. Wow, what an awesome chance to win some awesome products! Luv the things you've been making with these and luv Nunn components! Thanks for the chance!!

  59. Wow, what a great giveaway. I've liked the fb page as well. I've really enjoyed following your blog. I actually dug out the resin the other day. Thanks for reigniting the creative spark with resin.

  60. Wow! What an absolutely amazing giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win; fingers (and toes) crossed! :)

  61. Would so love to win! Already like you :)

  62. I'd love to try my hand at some of these. And I liked your facebook page. Thomerson

  63. Please count me in on this awesome giveaway!

  64. Wow wee! What a great giveaway! Pick me...pick me!

  65. I have really enjoyed reading your posts about the Nunn Design products. I would love to try my hand at winning all these wonderful goodies :)

  66. Today is friday the 13th maybe my luck will change and win this i would love to make some braclets for my daughter and her daughter thank you love your website

  67. Love the projects you've done with the findings.

  68. Love your blog... I love how creative you are! These look like they would be fun to play with..

  69. Can I enter even though I'm in the UK? I particularly loved the channel beads & mini pendants posts.

  70. I absolutely love Nunn products, and this page. x

  71. Great giveaway! Thanks so much. I have already liked your FB page. I hope I win.

  72. Thanks for the opportunity to win this adorable package !!!
    I keep my fingers crossed !! :>)
    Elsa or aka

  73. Liked you on fb. Would love to win this.

  74. I'd love this! I'm a big fan of this blog and your work! Thanks for hosting this giveaway

  75. Such beauty....can't wait to see more at their website. Really gets the creative juices going! I have liked you on FB.

  76. I would love to try some of the great ideas you have shown on here!

  77. I love reading this blog, it's a must-go every time! Would love to put a lot of ideas to work!

  78. Awwww i would love to win those! @_@~

  79. This is a great giveaway. I have been reading your blog for awhile and love it, so it is a shame I don't have nor want a facebook page because now I can't like you anymore.

  80. Oh WOW!!! I really would love to win this giant bunch of goodies! what a fabulous give away! I liked your facebook page long ago...

  81. Good Grief!!! what a giveaway!! My heart is pounding just thinking of all the possiblities!Thanks for such a generous gift.
    missy from the bayou

  82. Oh Yes Please! I had already Liked your FB page long ago. Oh the fun I could have with these. Thank you.

  83. These look like a ton of fun. So many ideas pop into my head!

  84. I love your blog! I would LOVE to win this!!!!

  85. what a wonderful giveaway opportunity... It is my first visit to your blog and I also liked and am now a follower on your facebook page.

  86. A wonderful prize! Love all the great ideas about what to do with these. I was eager to Like you on FB; I really enjoy seeing your ideas.

  87. This is such a fabulous giveaway!!! I'm into doing resin now and would certainly love to win. Nunn's pieces are great and so is your blog and inspiration!

    Smiles, Pam

  88. This is such a fabulous giveaway!!! I'm into doing resin now and would certainly love to win. Nunn's pieces are great and so is your blog and inspiration!

    Smiles, Pam

  89. I like your Facebook page and posted on my Facebook....

    Thanks, Pam

  90. Like Resin Crafts on Facebook and this is an awesome giveaway!

  91. This is a great set, can't wait to see what you can make with these things.

  92. I love this giveaway. And your creations are awesome.

  93. My jaw dropped reading this! What an awesome giveaway. My mind is literally spinning with ideas.

  94. I would be so excited to win this contest and be able to work with these products. I know it would be so much fun and challeging. I am being positive that this time I will be the lucky winner. I so wish thanks for the contest

  95. Nunn Design makes fabulous products! I've liked your Facebook page.

  96. A cornucopia of lovely treasure to receive. I am on Facebook as Michelle Jukes :)

  97. awesome creations!!! I´ve liked the fan page!
    thanks for the fabulous giveaway!

  98. Great things to give away!
    I want to get me please! :)

    Very good work overall.

  99. Wow, just what I need!!!!
    Thank you for the chance to win!!
    I liked FB!

  100. Wow! What an incredible prize!! Just liked your Facebook page! Thanks for the chance!

  101. Fantastic! I would love to be able to play with these gorgeous components!

  102. Great Prize!!!! I'm already dreaming of what I can do....thanks for the chance

  103. What a wonderful prize. I would love to win this. It is a resin dream!

  104. This is an incredible giveaway that I would be thrilled to recieve. I have already "liked" you on Facebook, and enjoy reading all of the updates there :)

  105. I liked you on Facebook and posted to my Wall on my Facebook page...

  106. Oh man, what an awesome giveaway! Good luck, everyone!

  107. This is the most amazing giveaway, would love to win. Found your facebook page last week.Regards Sam

  108. That is a treasure chest full of nice stuff. Would love to work with those things.

  109. What a great give away I would so greateful to win it.

  110. oh great! this will be a big trsure for my collection!

  111. Wonderful giveaway.It would be awesome to win this fantabulous collection.

  112. I love those Nunn items! What a great giveaway!!

  113. Awesome giveaway! Put your facebook in my favs!

  114. I would love to join the giveaway.. hopefully this comment will count because I don't have Facebook.. But I too LIKE you :)

  115. Wow, what an awesome giveaway! Thank you for all that you share with us! I love your site!!!!

  116. Oooh how exciting. :) I'm subscribed to your FB page and on 2 different Twitter accounts, and email. :)

  117. I would LOVE to win these! I follow you on Pinterest and now on FB.

  118. What an awesome giveaway! I liked your Facebook page ages ago, love it, love it!

  119. I would love to win all these cuties. Doubtful that my name will come out of the hat though. So many entries. You have great stuff!!

  120. Hello! I just found your blog via the link at Nina Designs. I'd love to win the giveaway especially now that I've seen what you've done with the channel beads. With such a generous selection of items in the giveaway, there will be plenty of goodies for me and my beadie buddies to play with on bead night. And, I liked your Facebook page and I am looking forward to seeing what kind of interesting things you post.

  121. What a great giveaway! Seeing all these gets my creative juices flowing.1

  122. What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win.

  123. OMG I must have those channel beads. I wonder if my Michaels sells them. I'm off to search! LOL

  124. Wow! What a great giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity, going to like your page right now!

  125. WOW..this is awesome...would love to win this..I'm a FB follower as well.

  126. Thanks - this would be just fabulous! I liked your FB page too!

  127. Yay, count me in! Would love the opportunity to play with Nunn! Thnx

  128. Kimberley G DoughtyApril 18, 2012 at 7:30 AM

    Fan-tab-ulous! So pretty, all those pieces. I have wanted to try more resin crafts. What an excellent way to get started. ;) Thanks for the chance to win and for sending me to your facebook page. I'll be following you!

  129. Fabulous give away ! My fingers are crossed ! Love all of the supplies !I am following on Facebook also !!!

  130. Wow, the motherload give away! I've wanted to try working with resins for the longest time. I'd love to win! And now I have found my way to your FB page to keep up with all the latest stuff!

  131. Wow! Lots of crafty inspiration! Thanks for this :)

  132. Whoa! What an awesome collection. I would love to win!!

  133. I want to win! I'm a fan on FB too!!

    Phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  134. Absolutely Stunning!!! I'm just learning to work with these treasures & with new discoveries comes finding new avenues to read & learn from. So thank You so much for sharing your links on what you did with these. I'm so excited to learn more! TFS the give-away too. I'd love to have the honor to create with this gift.

  135. This is a super giveaway for sure! I have liked you on FB, and love reading your blog for all the great ideas. Now to figure out how to keep my fingers crossed until Monday...

  136. Wow, would love to win this and use them with my teen crafter's class. Hope for a win!

  137. Wow! I could have so much fun with these.

  138. wow what a give away and oh what fun I could have with them

  139. This is awesome!! How lucky the winner will be!! :-) with fingers crossed :-)

  140. What a generous andawesome giveaway! I'm new to Nunn , these would be amazing to play with!

    Thanks for the chance to play and win!

    Inky smiles,

  141. What an amazing giveaway event. WOW. And I just discovered your blog and already know I am going to be a HUGE fan. Going to go grab a cup of joe and enjoy reading some of your archives to see what your products and blog are all about.

  142. I have just decided to change my way of making jewelry so this would be great as a stash builder! Thanks so much for offering a chance to win!

  143. Wow! What a treasure chest of prizes! Thanks for the opp.

  144. Beautiful selection of goodies from such a wonderful company! Thank you for the opportunity... the "creative wheels" are already turning!

  145. Thanks for having this information in one location!

  146. oh my word! this would make my year!!!!!!!!!! ty ty for a chance...luv luv this stuff!

  147. This is a real treasure chest of goodies. What fun to think up great uses for all these goodies!

  148. Wow! This would be so awesome to win this exciting collection. The possibilities of creating would be endless. I love reading your blog because you always share new information and ideas for me to try. I like you being on my Facebook page to.

  149. This is a huge giveaway! Would love to win and try out some new techniques. Thanks!

  150. wow, how generous!! Such a great giveaway!!

  151. Would love these!! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!!

  152. thanks for the chance to win this fabulous giveaway!

  153. It took me a week of contemplating but... here it is. :)

  154. I love working with Resin and would love to win!!!
    Sonya Stille

  155. What a fantastic give away, I have been a fan of your blog for almost a year now and this is one of the best give-a ways I have ever seen. Would love to win this one.

  156. What an awesome giveaway! And I have liked you FB page

  157. This is a generous give-away. Thanks so much for the chance to dream about my winnings!

  158. Great giveaway.Creative gears are turning.Liked you on FB.

  159. This is an awesome give away. Im not normally one to post on these things, but I love your blog. Am still trying to find a resin source in New Zealand, but have been put on to some who can help me out, so these would be amazing!

  160. I truly just stumbled onto your blog...I luv the creativity shown here...maybe I'll get lucky as well. Have loved resin, we've worked in the architectural restoration/new construction pattern making industry for years.

  161. Have not tried resin, but will have to give it a try now that I have seen what you have done. Love Nunn design products.


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