Resin Shell Memory Tray

 EnviroTex Lite is the perfect product to use when making beautiful serving trays...

they are so easy to make and the results are wonderful!  I got out some shells and created a memory tray of one of our trips to Florida.

Materials Required:

·      EnviroTex Lite®
·      Wooden Serving Tray
·      Chalk it Up!, Licorice
·      Iridescents, Onyx 
·      Shells, assorted 
·      Paint brushes
·      Cups
·      Stir Stick
·      Lighter

Project Instructions: 

I painted the inside and out of the tray with Licorice and let it dry.

Then, I painted a coat of Onxy over the Licorice and let it dry.

I measured out equal amounts of the EnviroTex Lite® resin and hardener.

Mix together and stir for 2 minutes.

Pour into a second cup and stir for 1 minute.

 I poured this into the bottom of the prepared tray.  I let this set up for about 10 minutes then.

 I added the shells where I wanted them to go.  I used a lighter to remove the air bubbles that rose to the top and let this set for 12 hours. 

 Then I mixed up more resin as above and applied it over the top and let it set for another 12 hours and repeated with a third coat so that all of the shells were covered.

The tray turned out great!

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