Hi, I'm Beth Watson, a creative design professional, specializing in mixed media design,
three dimensional crafts and home décor. I'm member of the CHA Designer Council
and my designs have been published in numerous craft magazines and books. I enjoy bringing a unique twist to my designs by using traditional materials in unconventional ways.
I had not worked with resin of any
kind until recently when ETI sent a generous box of their goodies. I had a few
mishaps, but along the way I have become addicted to embedding objects in the
resin and I can't stop! As I was collecting items, I came across these cute
white snowflake buttons and I immediately thought - Let It Snow!
what you will need.
ETI EasyCast Clear Casting Epoxy; EasyCast Resin Jewelry Molds 8 Artistic and Fun Shapes; Castin' Craft Mold Release & Conditioner; 8 oz. Measuring Cups and Stir Sticks.
Beacon Adhesives 527 Glue.
Snowflake Buttons (3), Silver Mica
Flakes, Iridescent Glitter, Silver Glue on Bales (3), Silver Chain (18"),
Silver Jump Rings (3), Silver Earring Wires (2), Nail File, Wire Cutters and
Needle Nose Pliers.
Here's how I made it.
1) Prep Resin Jewelry Mold with two coats of Mold Release & Conditioner, allow to dry.
2) Cut shanks from buttons, remove lids from mica flakes and glitter. Following directions explicitly, measure equal parts of Resin and Hardener from EasyCast Clear Casting Epoxy kit (making sure not to mix more than 6 oz. total). Mix according to directions, then immediately fill half of mold. Insert snowflakes, remembering to place decorative side down and a few mica flakes. Fill the second half of the mold then sprinkle with glitter.
3) Let resin set for at least 24 hours, then pop out of mold. Sand edges (I used an Emory board).
NOTE: I mixed the full 6 oz. of resin, so I ended up with ALOT. I experimented with some of the colored dyes, chunky glitter, buttons and created over 25 pieces!
4) Glue bales onto back of all three resin pieces, let dry.
Cut silver chain to 18" with wire cutters. Attach clasp with needle nose pliers
and jumps rings on either end of chain to form a necklace. Attach large
snowflake charm to center of chain with jump ring.
6) Thread two small
snowflake charms on to earring wires.
Give as a gift to your favorite
Let It Snow fan!!
Check out more tutorials over on my blog Beth Watson Design Studio!
Labels: Beacon Adhesives, Beth Watson, Castin Craft Mold Release, Easy Cast Jewelry Mold, Envirotex Jewelry Resin, Jewelry