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Friday, February 14, 2014

A Gilded Life Heart and Jewelry Resin

Today's heart shaped bezel is a salute to Valentine's Day.

This year at the Craft and Hobby Show in California, I fell in love with this area in the Spellbinders booth.  This is a new line called “A Gilded Life” which is designed by mother and daughter team Debbie Murray and Shea Fragoso.  Debbie gave me the gorgeous heart bezel to play with and I am very happy to share it with you today.

In January, I set a side a number of Christmas cards I had received.   Part of the post-christmas clean up means going through all my cards and placing some into storage and some into my studio recycling box.
 I cut the part of the card* I loved the most; this cute little couple.  I glued the image into the bezel and was careful to seal the paper several time with my decoupage medium so I would not have a resin stain in any of the light or white ares.
 The addition of rhinestone chain completed my heart.  I then poured Jewelry Resin into the bezel.
 A second layer of resin was used so that I could attach my hand charm and extra crystals.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

*A note from a fellow artist.
I do not sell any of the jewelry I create for this blog.  I only make items for myself.  Note that I cut and used the original card.  I never make colour copies of artwork I do not have permission to use.


  1. This is an awesome bezel! I am going to check them out! And what a sweet image. And thank you most for your note at the bottom about using artwork only you have permission to use. Well said! Enjoy the day! Erin

  2. Very cute!
    Thank you for the note on the bottom about the artwork


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