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Friday, January 31, 2014

Resin Time is Anytime - Artist Submissions Group Nine

One View of Brenda Greenwood-Vernem's submission.

Today I am showing you two pocket watch submissions.  
They really stand alone because of their size and embellishment.
 Side View
 Top View
 Rear View

Artist:  Brenda Greenwood Vernem
I take great pride in both the presentation and my introduction to this submission from Brenda.  Brenda has been in both my Jewelry Resin and Jewellery Clay introduction classes.  I did not however, teach her how to make anything like this!  Some designers just grasp an idea and begin to work with products with ease.  When she hand-delivered this piece to me I nearly fell off my chair.  It took me a moment to figure out where the original pocket watch was!  She has used both the clay and the resin to glue everything in place.  Now, I like to work dimensionally...but this is over the top.
I LOVE IT!  It will inspire me to build higher, add more, combine the unusual and generally just have more fun with future projects.

Artist:  Cathie Carroll
Cathie's submission to the Resin Time project drew a lot of people to my showcase at the Craft and Hobby show this month. The design is so pleasing and people needed to see what components were used to build this piece.  If you are wondering where the resin is, clay was used to add the rhinestone frame and to fill the bee charm on the right side of the pocket watch.  Holes were drilled through the watch to add the heavier metal components and as you can see from the second photo, the back of the submission is as beautiful as the front.  The filigree centre has rhinestone that have also been attached with clay.  My favorite addition.  I tiny dollop of clay to the top of the pocket watch to attach one simple crystal.  I'll try that in the future too!

1 comment:

  1. Wow. There are no words to describe how awesome these both are! Out of the box completely! Thank you for sharing them. Enjoy the day. Erin


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