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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Resin Time is Anytime - Artist Submissions Group Two

 Artist:  Debra Gibson
Debra's pocket watch features a mermaid surrounded by tiny shells, beads and stars.  She has a super high dome covering all the inclusions.
Artist:  Michelle Frae Cummings
Michelle was the only artist to submit a 3D fiber and wire piece that looked exactly like  sea anemone floating in a bed of crystal.  A very unique and fluid sample.
Artist:  Mary's Madness
It is hard not to have favorites.  This piece features so many things I love.  The recycled broken ceramic Madonna head, the rosary chain and other christian symbols add up to a wonderful submission.  The extra dangle is held in place by chain embedded in resin.
 Artist:  Marissa Decipida Wong
A sweet bird on a branch is permanently sheltered along with tiny red berry beads.
 Artist: Jennifer Dove
Jennifer's piece did stop more than a few Resin Time admirers.  Her pocket watch is a floral and tiny watch part garden.  This was then embedded into her frame and another bed of resin covers dozens of tiny inclusions.  Her butterflies are coated in resin making them extra strong and they are suspended in such a way that the do look like they are flying.   I wish everyone could hold this in their hands.  The more you look, the more you will find.
 Artist:  Kristi Van Doren
The pocket watch perfect for the season!  Her winter scene is complete with a snowman framed by an ombre blue glitter theme.  Dark to light, her snow person is beautifully framed.

 Artist:  Kat Stromomecki
A closer look at this pocket watch shows a delicate lace background.  I am sure it matches the lace used for the decorative bow.  The lace makes you think there is an elaborate painted design resting behind her crystal encrusted embellishment.
Artist: Lea Kimmel
Lea's submission is both beautiful and sentimental.  I will share a few of Lea's comments about the significance of the symbols in her pocket watch.
The butterfly is in homage to her Mom who passed away when Lea was four.  Her grandmother taught her to believe a butterfly was her Mom popping by for a visit.
The 24 represents the day in the month they were both born.
The pearl is a touchstone for her...her most coveted gift from her Mom is her pearl ring.  There is more to tell about this but that is Lea's story to tell.
The green represents her Dad and it was fitting to include him in her piece too.  Her family is all represented.
Many of you saw a butterfly collage when you glanced at this pocket watch, this one, and so many of the other submissions, mean so much more.

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