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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Funny Behind the Scenes Look at Just One Resin Time Submission

Artist:  Kerry Hof
Also Known for her sites: My Nervous Habits

I have been waiting to share with you this super funny email that I received before getting Kerry's Resin Time Submission.

It made me laugh out loud.  The trials and tribulations she endured to make and then submit her piece deserves an individual blog post.

I received her permission to repost....please send her your support via comments!

Dear Carmi

I just got back from sending mine.  I must apologize, but if you want to hear a comedy, here it goes:

The bezel arrived.  I had it all planned out.  I actually had an insert piece ready to go.  One problem...our heater broke.  Even with getting supplemental heat to my work room...


For a week, it left my thumbprint in every time I checked.  With the deadline approaching, was it firm enough for a layer of clear nail polish?  All the teeny boppers use it profusely.  How hard can it be?

Half the polish dried before I coated the other half.  
It bubbled.  
I tried the heat gun.  Not too bad, but then it bubbled.  
I added another layer.  
I sanded after it dried.  
It bubbled.  
I saw brush strokes.  
I heat gunned it.  
Even though you could still see a few brush strokes, I finally got it to where the bubbles looked like maybe purposeful inclusions, so I took it to the PostNet, which is next door to a beauty supply store.  ACETONE.  I thought, well, what if I could swipe across the top surface, get it all smooth, and at least level, and get rid of the brush strokes.

It did.  It melted the acetone into goo that could not be mailed.

That was the 27th.  

Lo and behold, your shining e-mail came through and renewed my hope that I could do this.  I used the acetone to remove the polish, down to the resin.  It worked.  I took the pendant to my mom's and explained to my visiting 6-year-old niece that it needed to be room temperature.  She remembers this from last year, better than I did, since she had to wait for last year's bit to cure a bit more, too. Just moving it up some 5 to 10 stable degrees cured that bad boy within 5 hours.  Hope (my niece) carried it around in her blanket after that to make sure it stayed room temperature.  She didn't want Aunt Kerry to throw a tantrum just as mighty as her brothers'. After dinner, she watched me carefully pour the ETL resin and remove the bubbles with the heat gun and OH HEAVENS IT LOOKED SO GOOD.

She made her brothers, my kids, her parents, and visiting aunt and uncle as well as my mom stay clear of the roll-top desk where the resin cured until bedtime, then it became my job.  The following day, we looked at it and just were amazed.  I truly had given up on the blasted thing.  

I made Hope a resin piece that glows in the dark last Christmas. It looked really, really good, but the best part was that she kept inviting everyone into a dark room to look at something special. She wore it to the movies the other day and it glowed and glowed and glowed. She's awesome and a big fan.  

Anyway, if it doesn't reach you safely, I may cry.  

Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of your collection.  


I do not recommend ever using nail polish remover!


  1. Now that is dedication and determination! Funny in hindsight, I bet, not during!

  2. Now that is dedication! I would have given up long ago! LOL! Great job Kerry!!

  3. And a wonderful story to share. I take it curing is an issue if the room is cold? And okay, no acetone...message received!

    1. Yes, resin does not like the cold!Read all about it here:

  4. We are persistent, we artists! Sometimes the things that are accidents tell us the greatest story about the finished work of art, and it certainly did here! Good to remember about the cold and no acetone! Enjoy the day. Erin


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