Resin Crafts Information Sections!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Resin Samples Give-a-way! (OVER)

Over the years I have purchased so many pieces of jewelry highlighting the use of resin.
These three pieces I purchased at the Toronto One of A Kind show.  I wish I had the artist names.  
These inspired samples are taking up a lot of space and someone needs to start wearing and enjoying them.
So would you like to win one of these samples?  I am giving them away to any blog reader who posts a nice comment on this page.  
No anonymous comments please.  I will need to reach you if you win!
Winner to be selected on Friday July 12 by noon.


  1. I love all the examples you have posted... gives me so many ideas!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I look forward to reading and seeing all the ideas you have. This page is what got me started in resin!!!

  4. I love looking at samples. They often inspire me in ways that the would not have occurred to me otherwise.

  5. I have been following your blog and trying to build the courage to actually try to make a resin focal. I am in the process of gathering my supplies and going back through your blogs. I would love to win one of your pieces. It would help push me into creating one of my own. Keep blogging!

  6. You and I have very different inspirations. You always provide me with "the other side" of any design I'm contemplating. Thank you for all of your wonderfully creative ideas.

  7. I am always amazed at how you constantly come up with new ideas....every day!

  8. Love these samples. I really like your site and learning more uses for resin.

  9. Wonderful give away. I would love to win a pieces. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thanks for walking us through your many beautiful designs. I've actually tried quite a few thanks to your easy instructions.

  11. You have one of the best resin blogs ever! I always love the colors that you use, you give me good ideas all the time....

    1. whoops, forgot to add me:

  12. Your blog is a great inspiration to a novice like me :)
    Von ♥

  13. Tengo mucha resina que quedo conmigo cuando termine de enseƱar en un colegio. No se si aqui se animen a enviarme el premio.... o lo pueden enviar a Boca Raton... por lo demas quiero usar esa resina, para que no se malogre.... estoy viendo cosas muy interesantes, me encantaria poner en practica todo...asi que manos a la obra, gracias por leerme... estoy en Peru! besos y blessing

  14. I do enjoy reading your posts, and seeing the creative uses of resin. I still haven't tried it yet, but I love having a knowledgeable source of information and inspiration to come to; thanks for all your hard work!

  15. Your designs are what got me back into the crafting again. They are creative and beautiful. And the use of resin as the base is wonderful. Thank you for the inspiration!

  16. These are gorgeous pieces. I have read your blog since 2010 and each piece you have created has inspired me to try these products and has inspired me artistically. Hope you continue to inspire us with the amazing art you create!


  17. Beautiful pieces! I've just become interested in resin and I am thinking about trying to start making some pieces myself. I love your blog and it is very helpful. Thank you for all of the tips, tricks and inspiration!

  18. I love the variety of projects that you post. Your blog is never stale or boring. Maybe soon I will get the confidence to try resin. I'm certainly learning a lot from you.

  19. I love this site. I've gotten so many wonderful ideas for projects here. Keep up the wonderful work.

  20. This is such a generous thing for you to do, thank you so much! I would certainly give these a wonderful home

  21. what a nice thing to do. so many great things waiting to happen if I should be a lucky person. thanks for the generous offer. Joan Cain

  22. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these lovely pieces! Your website is fantastic-- thanks for tutoring the rest of us in what you obviously love to do!

  23. Oh, I like the bracelet! I like looking at different resin pieces, different ideas & such. Your blog is so full of inspiration & I mean that. I've commented before on how much I appreciate your site. I've not done any resin in quite a few months due to time & our weather restrictions & lack of space right now. I'm not really commenting to win, but to let you know how much many of us appreciate that you are soooo willing to share your ideas & knowledge! Thank you!

  24. I would be delighted to win one of the beautiful pieces! Love your blog and all the inspiring ideas!

  25. There are not too many resin artists in South Africa so I'm relying on the internet for inspiration and have picked up a few tips from your blog. So, even if I don't win, thanks for posting the photos! I like the bracelet best :-)

  26. Hi ! My few tries with resin did not always come up nice… I am in France and very little is known here about resin.. the few classes that exist are too far away from where I live.. so I would REALLY REALLY love to have the chance to win one of these beautiful pieces to be able to study it closely and wear it proudly. thank you for offering one of us that opportunity ! have a nice day..

  27. Yes please! I can give them a good home and wear them with pride! :)

  28. I knew keeping the old circuit board would come in handy so when I saw the posting, bingo, a light switch went on. Thanks for keeping a great blog and the inspiration.

  29. Hi: I would love to win these resin pieces! I just discovered your blog and look forward to trying some resin. I have a small kit and a few bezels, so I just need to decide what to put inside the resin! I look forward to exploring all the ideas you have here!
    Meanwhile, you are welcome to visit my blog to see what I'm doing with beads

  30. I love your blog! You have taught me to think outside of the box when it comes to resin and designing. I would be honored to win one of these lovely pieces! Pretty please count me in! Thanks!

    Angi Mullis

  31. these are gorgeous pieces . I have dabbled in resin moulding and the results have been OK. not like these samples. I'd love to win one of them.

  32. I have wanted to try resin casting and subscribed to your blog for info and inspiration. I have not been disappointed!! jeanne

  33. They're lovely and you're very generous, including with this give away.. I hope to win them. Thank you. I love resin, but haven't gotten as skilled as I'd like. Cat hair and my lack of expertise keep getting in my way.

  34. These are stunning. I would love to win 1.

  35. I am always so inspired by the resin craft projects here on your blog! Though I had dabbled with resin crafts I have never been as ABSOLUTELY INSPIRED as I am every time I see you post a new project! Thank you for your inspiration & generosity!

  36. I love reading your emails! And I save all the emails in a special folder for future reference. I have made several pieces for with my grandkids and they love seeing what we are going to make next. Please don't stop sending them out. I so look forward to seeing whats next! And I would love to win this giveaway too! My email is Lori

  37. Robin ChristensenJuly 9, 2013 at 1:20 PM

    I would LOVE to win the one with the diodes in it! My Daddy is an electrician and I'm his girl! I love your blog and all your creations!

  38. I have never tried resin, but the samples are wonderful. Would love a chance to win one.

  39. I love reading your blog and seeing the great variety of stunning pieces you show us. You have inspired me to have a go with 2 part epoxy resin, and I have made resin paper, moulded shapes and filled bezels. I was delighted with the results and can't wait to play some more.

  40. What a great giveaway idea!! You find the nicest pieces on your trips :) And ofcourse, you have great projects here! Thanks for giving us so many ideas and so much inspiration!!

  41. I have been following your blog for a while now, but have yet to bring my ideas to fruition!. Hopefully later this week... I'm very interested in the piece with the transistor in it. I too make are out of old computer parts!

  42. Gorgeous pieces. Love the color combinations. The wire-wrapping is a great enhancement to the rings. Thanks for another inspiring idea.

  43. Love the resin jewelry! It was my lucky day to happen upon your blog. I am inspired! Thanks so much.....

    1. Blue Ridge Girl you won!
      Email me you mailing address and these will come right to you in the mail!

  44. Love reading the blog, I really wish I could try half the things you make on here! So skilled :)

  45. They're so cool! That's a very clever way to use resin. I'd love to have any one of them!

    sparkleparkdesigns [at]


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