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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Jewelry Clay Pendants - Stamped and Coloured with Acylic Paint - Part Two

 Here are my clay pendants after curing over night.  
They don't look very special at this point.  See yesterday's post.

 I really love how the clay adheres so firmly to my open components.  The powder has also cured in place.
 These are just fun.
 However, look at how much more interesting they are after I stain them with acrylic paint!  All I do is brush acrylic paint onto the cured clay and wipe away the excess with a paper towel.  I do this several times until I am happy with the colour. 
My pendants look aged now and you can see the rubber stamped designs.
 Here is what the button did to the clay surface.  (see yesterday's post)
 You would have never known all those lines were there.  So I can happily report that acyclic paint works beautifully on the clay.  I am going to spray them with a protective coating of acrylic to ensure there is no paint transfer later on.


  1. very very pretty! I read your post not too long ago about Hobby Lobby carrying the clay soon. I can't wait to get my hands on it, especially after this post. TYVM!

  2. Wow, these are so unique and pretty! So many ideas flowing in my head! I love those unique bezels you have as well. I wish there was a craft store in Jamaica :(

  3. Trish, there is not this clay for sale in Finland, either :-\
    But what are the benefits using jewelry clay compared with polymer clay in these projects?

    1. It's no bake, and cures like porcelain, I like it because I love the no-bake concept :) Carmi has videos and projects featuring the clay in more details on this blog. I especially love the rings :)

  4. Trish! Thank you so much for filling in for me! I am on the road for a few I can't always respond in an instant. Okay Othel, if you love polymer clay you may not like crossing over to a jewelry clay. For myself, I don't enjoy conditioning polymer clay and have had some iffy results in my oven, so crossing over to this new Jewelry Clay was perfect for conditioning and no oven! I use a lot of polymer clay techniques though! I just have to be careful because if I don't clean my tools properly...the clay cures to it.....which is not the case with polymer. Also, I LOVE the new jewelry clay for projects where I want to glue things in 3d...some of my work features resin clay that you don't even see because it is performing a job behind the scenes!

    1. You are so welcome Carmi of course, you explain it a lot better :) I mainly use funny ice cube trays with the resin, now I'm thinking of pressing the clay in ice trays to see what would happen. Can't wait!!

  5. One more thing, I don't ever post/write about other products on the market on this blog...I don't want to give pros and cons or be responsible for information about them. I do encourage you to try whatever is available to you though!


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