Resin In Bezels Online Class!

I hope these resin filled bezels attracted your attention!
If they did, and you want to learn how I made them I have some super news today!
I have a new online class you can take!

How to Use Resin in Bezels with Carmi Cimicata
Filling bezels with tiny imagery and collage and then pouring in resin is the ideal way to create personalized spectacular wearable art pieces. In this CraftArtEdu class, you will learn the best techniques for mixing and pouring resin as well as how to seal paper images and how to embed in layers.

If you have not been to CraftArtEdu you are in for a treat!  This new (it is a year old) site is now full of fabulous art and craft classes you can take online!  You won't know what to sign up for first.
The classes are reasonably priced and you can watch them over and over!
As I am speaking, you can hear me describe tips and techniques that are sometime hard to explain with just a blog post.

My How to Use Resin in Bezels class is $15 and linked here.

I also have a FREE class you can see called:

CraftArtEdu linked here.
The bezels you see are all from Nunn Design.