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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Envirotex Lite Resin over Encaustic Collage - Part One

I have been getting some questions about pouring Envirotex Lite over encaustic art pieces.  Rather than just say "yes, go ahead, I have seen other artists already doing this..." I thought I would show you a piece in progress.
 My friend Nancy offered me one of her encaustic class experiments.  I did not want to work on something important, just in case my first sample didn't go well.

 Here is a closer look at the layers of wax Nancy built up onto her board.
 My first test is to show you the difference Envirotex Lite makes over dark and light sections.
 I have taped several areas on the board and I will pour resin over these areas only.
I will let this cure overnight and show you my results tomorrow!


  1. can't wait to see how it turns out!

  2. i love how the red pops!!! and the photo transfer too!
    fyi, you can embed photos well as use toner based
    copies to do a transfer onto the wax!
    can't wait to try this at home

  3. Neat idea. I was wondering if you have ever used Envirotex Lite inside an upcycled metal tray. I've seen them Mod Podged on other blogs, but I'm thinking that EL might hold up better with sweating glasses and food spills. And, could you then do some interesting collage work and layering?

    1. Crafters and artisans work in trays all the time. Here is recent example:

  4. I have a question on what kind of tape you used over the encaustic painting...I am an encaustic artist.......and I'm not familiar with Envirotex looking forward to seeing what happened with this experiment....

  5. The tape was just plain old masking tape.


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