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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Resin For A Ceramic Glaze

 It seems like the more I work with resin the more I realize it is the perfect medium!  Take a close look at my ceramic pendant!
 I purchased the beads and pendant separately.  I thought they would look great together but the ceramic pendant did not have a glossy coating.  It looked dull next to my glazed beads.
 I opted to just apply a glaze layer to the pendant to see if I could get it to look more like the beads.  Glazing makes darker colours go even darker and I needed this blue to be closer to a navy.
 You can use either of our amazing resins! 
 When my first coat was cured I noticed two little spots that were not glazed.  That happens now and again.  So, I applied one more glaze top coat.
 Ta Da!!!!  That glaze top coat was so effective!
This necklace looks brilliant on!
Just a reminder.  I am showing you small components that can become jewelry.  This same technique could be used in numerous other applications!


  1. Such a wonderful idea - thanks for sharing your step by step process, too. This necklace is sooo pretty!

  2. That is a great idea. What great beads too! I will have to look for those the next time I am at Michaels. Enjoy the day, Miss Carmi!

  3. Bravo! Love this Carmi! Pam B

  4. I have not taken the plunge yet, but will be trying resin very soon. Thanks for the great info.

  5. Fabulous necklace! I've been starting to work with resin, and I always feel like it's such a waste to throw away cups, stir sticks, and paint brushes for small amounts of resin. Can you clean and reuse any of these things, or do you have to throw them away?

    1. It is pretty hard to clean resin...and you might contaminate a batch if there is something left on a stir I do throw everything away. I figure the water I would waste scrubbing and rinsing would be more of a waste.

  6. Carmi, did you brush the glaze on this pendant? What kind of brush do you use when you are painting resin on?

    This is beautiful. Reminds of the Delft kitchen set my grandma had.

    1. I buy CHEAP CHEAP brushed because they are one time use only. I shop at Dollerama for supplies! I can usually find 8 for $1.

  7. Hi, can I used resin on a piece of leather?

  8. Oh wow! I love this beautiful necklace!


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