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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Jewelry Resin and Polymer Clay

Recently I was on the Vintaj website and read about some very special pendants they were featuring from Erin Prais-Kintz.  Then I visited the Nunn Design Blog and saw a sneak peak to Erin's work with Nunn.  As luck would have it, I met Erin this weekend at the Bead and Button show!
 She gave me one of her beautiful pendants and I asked her if she had ever considered using Jewelry Resin as a glaze.  Now, I already know, this pendant is gorgeous.....but a little Jewelry Resin would amplify that beauty and protect the polymer clay too!
 So, with her permission I came home and made a very small batch of Jewelry Resin to apply as a surface glaze.
 I got a pretty nice dome!

I think the colours are richer and now you see some details that you may have missed!  Jewelry Resin is fabulous on polymer clay!
Since my piece says Love is....I added an Eiffel tower for what I love; Paris.


  1. this is way cool ...I love working with polymer clay and I agree the resin is a plus...

  2. Nice to know. I won't be a scaredy cat when I start working in clay. I was wondering if resin would work with it. Thanks for showing us!

  3. Oh SNAP! Miss Carmi, not only was it a true delight to meet you, but I think you made my pendant even cooler! I am looking forward to playing more with the resin from Envirotex. Thank you for showing me the way! Enjoy the day. Erin

  4. Love the pendant and the necklace!

  5. That turned out so well! You're right, it highlights those delightful details and also protects it! Win, Win!


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