Resin Crafts Information Sections!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I am packing up to make my way to Milwaukee for 
Environmental Technology Inc has made my trip possible and 
I will be demonstrating Jewelry Resin in the John Bead booth.
I hope to find some new and exciting bezels and other jewelry making components that I can share with you.
If you are attending the show you can 
find me in John Bead's booth 1028 and 1030!
I'll see you Monday with a report on any special findings!


  1. Cool mirror you've got going there! Enjoy the show!

  2. I wish that I could meet with you while you are in town. My niece is getting married this weekend. Have a wonderful time!

  3. Bummer..wish I had known earlier. Was at the show but didn't know you'd be demoing! Would have been fun to see you in action!


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