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Friday, June 29, 2012

Bezel Wire and Resin - A Tutorial For Experienced Resin Users - Finished Pendant!

 This is now my best resin sample ever!
This is the fifth post in a series I started Monday. 
 Yesterday I showed you how I applied a glaze layer of Jewelry Resin to the back side to cover the adhesive residue.  It worked perfectly and you can really see how my coloured resin is now showcased from the back.
 I am so happy with my collage elements and coloured resin!
The bezel wire shape is perfect!
 Now I had the fun of assembling the my art into a wearable piece of art.  To do that I gathered two strands of beads and a Fiskars hand drill.  This hand drill allowed me to carefully drill two small holes through the pendant to attach my gold jump rings.

 I am over the moon with my final necklace!!
I can't wait to wear it!

I hope you enjoyed this special one-week tutorial.
There is so much you can do with resin!  

To See How We Got To This Point
Bezel Wire and Resin - A Tutorial For Experienced Resin Users 
Bezel Wire and Resin - A Tutorial For Experienced Resin Users
- Part Two
Bezel Wire and Resin - A Tutorial For Experienced Resin Users
Bezel Wire and Resin - A Tutorial For Experienced Resin Users
- Part Four

One last tip.
My necklace beads came from Jesse James Beads.  Their pre-selected strands are just gorgeous and I was amazed at how well they matched my final pendant with almost no work on my part!

As we head into the long weekend (in Canada) I want to wish all my friends a happy Canada Day!


  1. I loved your project! I'm not sure if I'll have the time or patience to try something like it, but I definitely want to look around for that bezel wire, extra wide double sided tape, and the fiskar drillers. Where did you get those? It's been a while since I've done some resin projects and I'd like to get back into it.

    1. I bought the hand drill about four years ago at Michaels Craft Store....I only use it to make holes in my resin pieces, so it is definitely a good tool!

  2. Absolutely beautiful. For a beginner this is a really inspiring piece to see take shape - and a goal for the future!!

  3. It came out very gorgeous indeed! Great work!

  4. That looks SO good! I love it! If you didn't have any way to drill holes, could you just glue bails to the sides and attach rings/the necklace to that? How well would that work?

  5. Your end result is so charming Carmi! I just love the colors, the design and the interest you created through all the layers. Wonderful necklace!

  6. Oh, wow!! That's absolutely gorgeous. Wonderful job!

  7. Very cool possibilities Miss Carmi! And I think I have some of those beads from B&B too! Enjoy the day! Erin

  8. That finished up beautifully. I love it when a plan comes together. I learn so much from you. Thank you.

  9. Wow!! I am no where near being experienced enough to attempt that, but I enjoyed learning how it was done. Gorgeous work!

  10. Seriously This necklace is stunning. please when you wear it let us know how many compliments you get. absolutely amazing ... I went from day to day on this tutorial and my jaw is still to the ground. What type of details did you put pictures Artwork Etc cetera... I keep looking at it and still can't take it all in. When you are wearing it please have someone take a picture so we all can appreciate your work and how much more beautiful you will be withyourr necklace... you didn't make a spare 1 by any chance to self did you... thank you for posting the tutorials

    1. That is so nice of you to say!! I hope to wear it in Chicago at the Craft and Hobby show next month. I'll let you know if anyone even notices it!

  11. This is beautiful. What is up with part 3? Link doesn't work. :(

  12. Have you ever tried to put a tiny screw eye hook in the side of this type of bezel so the front was totally clean? I was just wondering if that would work.

  13. Hi Mary Anne, yes, it would work. If I use a tiny screw I put a tiny drop of resin on it to make sure it is secured!

  14. Absloutely gorgeous and very inspiring! I look forward to seeing more of your work and helping me become a better resin jewelry artist!

  15. This tutorial is very inspiring. Your resin piece is just wonderful!! thank you for sharing!


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