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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Resin Learning Curve

 I have a fresh batch of bottle caps to share with you today!  
These caps are going to allow me to give you a few resin using tips.
 First.  I LOVE SEQUINS.  Michaels Craft Stores had this pack on sale this past weekend...3.99 for what will clearly be a lifetime supply.
 I placed some Japanese paper into the bottom of my caps and sealed it with Mod Podge.  While the glue was in place I added in these cute butterflies and flower shapes.  When the glue was dry and clear, all I had to do was pour in some Envirotex Lite resin and wait for everything to cure.
 And cure it did!  See how clear and glass-like my surface is....not a bubble in sight.  
This should have made me super happy.
 But alas, the persnickety part of me found a flaw.  The glue on the sequins created a an uneven colour...some of it is glossy and some of it is matte.  I know, I know, you may not have noticed. The next time I add in big sequins I will be sure to only put glue on the back of the sequin!
 So I added gel marker to the surface!  These new lines and colouring distract you from the original butterflies!  I then applied a glaze top coat of Envirotex Lite sealing the markers and adding a little bit of a dome to the bottle cap surface.  VOILA!
A few months ago someone left a snippy comment on the blog saying "bottle original."
I believe that people who leave mean-spirited comments on anyone's blog are sad and lonely people so I ignored the post.  
However, I did want to share with you why I do use bottle caps.
They are universally available and for many people free.  
I think it would be very frustrating to come to this blog and see all sorts of exotic and expensive bezels that you would not be able to work in or have access to.
So I work in bottle caps.  
I experiment in bottle caps.  
I perfect my techniques in bottle caps.
Then I use that knowledge to work in something more expensive like a pewter bezel.
Besides, I can make a bottle cap look pretty darn good now!


  1. I totally agree with you about the comment. If you don't like it then don't read it. What a small person to leave comments like that. It think it is wonderful that you are trying to teach about resin. What does it matter what you are using it on. Geez. Thanks for all the info.

  2. How right you are i am so happy you use bottle caps and bezels it shows all the different ways you can use resin and bottle caps are a great place to start and by the way thank you for all you teach us cindy

  3. I love everything that you have ever showed us how to make! If people don't like what you are using to bad, let them go somewhere else. Hun please keep doing what you have been, because I for one enjoy learning new things from you. Thanks for taking the time to show us. Carla

  4. what an ass to write something like that... bottle caps might be old hat for people like us who work in mixed media, however when I show them at craft faires, customers are surprised and delighted when they realize the thing they are holding is a bottle cap. I don't do tons of them but there are always a few in my inventory and let me tell you - they sell. I love your ideas and your willingness to show people how to do these things. keep up the good work!!!

  5. Love Bottle Caps too! I love seeing how you explore and teach others, I have learned so much from your blog, and I started using resin long before I found you on fb.
    Thanks again.
    Robin Neff

  6. Love these! So bright and shiny~

    Petty comments like the one you described come from petty people. Don't ever feel like you have to explain yourself to anyone like that. You know the rest of us out here looooooove your work :)

  7. You know, someone could always say that any craft is unoriginal, people have been working with metals, beads, glass for thousands of years. It doesn't matter. Art is about making it your own, and you certainly do that. I love the idea about the gel markers. I am nit-picky, too, and stuff like that bothers me as well, so making it more mixed-media and solving a problem at the same time is wonderful. I think of errors as little problems to be solved, and solve it you did. Masterfully. It may not be what some snobs think of as original, but it is a solid, pragmatic way to address the problem, and I admire that! I also think bottle caps are adorable, and those you made are doubly so! So, critics can be silent. I wonder what problems they solved today?

  8. People who are miserable have to try and make others miserable. Not because "misery loves company" so much as they want to say "See? I'm not as miserable as *they* are!" (despite being the *cause* of said misery) I can see you chose not to let it bother you. Good! Keep doing and teaching and we who are NOT miserable will keep enjoying and learning!

  9. It amazes me when people come to view and seek your work as expertise and then bash it. Yes, that is mean-spirited. Good thing you took the high road! I love everything you are doing. I'm learning so much and feel very inspired by all your experiments and exploring of resin.

  10. I am never come away from one of your posts without having learned something. This not a "look at me, I am so great" blog that you do, it is a teaching and learning place for crafters and artists on every level. Keep doing just what you are doing. You are a most valuable resource. Thank you.

  11. I love anything re-made or recycled.. gives me a good reason to have a cold brew or two.. Thanks for not letting the remark bother you!!! your blog is awesome and inspiring.

  12. I have to echo the sentiments of other posters; I appreciate your sharing helpful information. You do beautiful work!

    As for using "odd" things for bezels, I save empty make-up containers (such as from eye shadow, pressed powder, or concealer). The aluminum inserts come in many different sizes. I'm planning to use them with resin. It will just be necessary to attach some kind of bail or jump ring to use the bezel as a charm. Since I don't use make-up (except concealer ::sigh::), it will take a bit of time to collect them. Hmmmm, if I ask friends to save them for me, they'll think I'm a little koo-koo.

  13. Hi Carmi! Thanks for all that you do for all of us who are trying to perfect our resin techniques. I think bottle caps make wonderful bezels! I create and sell my photo bottle cap pendants (my "Little Visions") in several boutiques and shops in my city. They're one of my best sellers!

    Bottle caps as a medium may not be new or original, but neither are paints and pastels. It's what you do with them, infusing your own uniqueness into them, your own spirit into them... that's what makes them your own creation.

    As Paul deMarrais said, "All art is derivative. There is no form of art that is totally original... 'originality' is a modern art construct... a silly concession to marketing concerns."

  14. I love your blog and find incredible knowledge here. I have made some wonderful bottlecap jewelry using resin. I am so proud of them, my picture on my own blog has me wearing them as earrings! I only wish I knew as much about resin as you do. You are one of my all time resin heroines!!!

    jean yates xox

  15. I concur with everyone, I love your blog and have learned so much! As with Sharon, I am always thinking of how something would work with resin, no matter how odd! Keep up the great work!

    V Malone

  16. I love bottle cap art :) Love that fix too!

  17. How small some people can be. I have learned so much from you and now have all the supplies I need to start doing some projects. Wish me luck, I have a list of the do's and don'ts by my side, lol.

  18. Have you noticed that mean comments are often left by anonymous, I guess so they can hide behind typed words. I enjoy the comments posted at the site called "My favorite hate mail...where mean comments go to die". Go ahead and share in the fun, no one needs to be alone in this

  19. Hi Carmi
    I love your work and am following you on Pinterest too. What a pathetic snide comment to leave you, the person obviously had nothing better to do! Do you use a particular type of gel pen on your pieces or would any kind work?

    1. Hi Gill, I have been using gel markers from my local scrapbook store: the brand is "sakura." I imagine other gel pens would work and I also love any of the pens with actual paint from the woodworking aisle.

  20. A better, and more accurate, version of that comment would be... bottle caps. How awesome! :)

    I love the way you combined the bottle caps with the resin and sequins! The result is gorgeous. Because I believe that nobody can ever have too many sequins, here's my favorite supplier:

    Have a sequintastic day! <3

    1. A sequin person!! Yeah! Thank you for your link!

    2. Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments!!

    3. My daughter is 30 and just saw bottle cap items for the first time - so it is still very original to a lot of folks! Keep up the good work!

  21. I find bottle caps are quite personal, too. People usually have good memories associated with a favorite brand and love to have things made from them.

  22. I have poured some bezels and they were failures. I plan on using bottlecaps in the future to perfect my technique. I love your posts and thanks for taking the time to blog about your creations, your mess ups and your saves! :)

  23. I like the bottle caps and as an amateur beader, I appreciate you pointing out the issues you encounter when working in resin. I haven't really started yet. I made one attempt which was not successful as the paper I used shrank when I applied the resin, but I will try again. Thanks for your wonderful blog.

  24. I just bought resin, and 2 bottle caps, but am scared to try anything!!!!
    these are beautiful!!! now I want to make some for our 11 year old Granddaughter...(we have 12 grandsons & she's the only girl) I am so amazed, never thought they could look so beautiful!!!! what a wonderful Blessing your creative talent is...Bless you

  25. You are absolutely right...
    All these tips are treasures for me on those difficult times and thank you very much my dear...
    Dox - antArtiste

  26. Hi! I'm new to resin and I fully appreciate your blog. I'm learning to create jewelry and clothing for plus and super plus sized women. Thanks to your experience in resin, I can take the step from beading to creating my very own ORIGINAL resin pieces. Cyber idiots are just mad because they're unoriginal, well, idiots.

  27. Hey, about bottle caps! They are the coolest thing. I have many nice pieces of jewelry that cost actual money... guess what... my favorite necklace is a bottle cap pendant with resin... call me crazy but that's how it is. I am excited to be learning how to create my own bottle cap designs...
    Thanks so much for your information!!!!!

  28. I just found your blog...I'm pretty new to the whole idea actually and I loved what you had to say about the snippy comment. A couple of days ago I read an awesome tutorial on an anthropologie copy cat sweater. It was great! It was well written, easy to understand and follow and the project turned out beautifully.
    Some rude person's comment was...Wow,why is her head so big? (About the model and the angle of the shot) Really that's what you got out of it??? So glad I don't know that person!
    I loved your tutorial and have been wanting to try resin for awhile. I'm impatient by nature and would have bought or made a nice bezel and been sad when it didn't quite turn out so I for one am glad to heed the lesson here...practice, practice, practice on a readily available, less expensive media first. Thank you!

  29. I love bottles caps! And, I know there there's many people who haven't been exposed to the art created with them. I have to say, for someone to make such a negative comment (and take the time out of their day to do it, well....I feel sorry for them! That person MUST FEEL SO BAD ABOUT THEMSELVES, that they had to put you down, in order to feel better, about their own ideas, creations, etc) sure, bottle caps are used a lot, obviously, since they're being sold at craft supply places all over,but......that's cuz there's a DEMAND for them, and thus, the art one's created with them!
    I love your posts, ideas, and pieces. Keep it up please, I'm a blog subscriber and designer myself and enjoy your designs and thank you for sharing! Andi from


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