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Friday, May 8, 2015

Resin Mixed Media Canvas

Who knew that resin was so versatile? I didn't. Until I started working with resin and related products I only thought resin was good for coating home décor items and furniture. Shows you how much I knew.

Roberta Birnbaum mixed media resin canvas

Happily I continue to discover all that resin has to offer and today I would like to share a resin mixed-media canvas I created with EnviroTex Lite®.

ETI Wish Resin canvas Roberta Birnbaum

  1. Mix 10 cc of Envirotex Lite® according to manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Apply a thin layer of mixed resin to the canvas.
  3. Into a clean mixing cup, pour some of this resin and add a drop or two of  red. Repeat this for each color you will be using.
  4. Using a stir stick start to drop colors onto the wet resin canvas.  This will be like a 'wet on wet' technique.
  5. Experiment dropping one color into another.
  6. I put a small amount of red into yellow to create a pretty orange blend.  Half the fun is seeing how the resin and dyes will interact with each other.
ETI Wish Resin canvas Roberta Birnbaum
While wet, gently drop your embellishments onto the canvas. You may want to use tweezers to help you accurately place your items.
    *WATCH how the metal reacts with the resin: IT IS SO COOL!  (It creates a halo effect).

    ETI Wish Resin canvas Roberta Birnbaum

    Leave your canvas to dry in a warm and dust-free spot. The best way to ensure keeping dust off your resin is to place some kind of cover, lid, or bowl over your work while it dries.  Everything will harden and all pieces you added will be secure.

    For more inspiration please visit me at 

    Roberta Birnbaum ETI


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