Today, designer Roberta Birnbaum is sharing this beautiful Victorian Lady resin art project featuring EnviroTex Lite™.
I have been exploring the many different sizes and shapes of molds available for creating resin pieces. Most of us tend to stick to smaller molds, but it is nice to explore beyond 1 square inch sometimes; don't you agree?
I thought this rectangular mold would be a lovely size to create a wall hanging or if you pour it much thinner, a beautiful book plate!
Tools: mixing cups, stir sticks, torch
- Cut out the image you are using and completely seal it ( front and back) with Ultra-Seal. Give it 2 coats, waiting for first layer to dry before applying second. Set aside and allow piece to completely dry.
- Prepare your selected mold by spraying the Mold Release into your mold, wiping away excess spray, and allow it to dry
- Prepare your resin according to manufacturer's instructions and pour a thin base layer in the mold and allow to dry for 3-4 hours. This allows the resin to slightly gel and provide a solid base to begin your next layer.
- Take your sealed image and place it on the gelled resin, adding the earrings.
- Drop some beads into the gel
- Prepare resin and pour another layer of resin. You may also add a few small drops of dye for a marbled effect, and also some mica flakes (which will drop to the bottom of the layer)
- After 4-6 hours add your final pour and drop mica flakes into the mix. By waiting this time it allows you place the flakes exactly where you want without them dropping to the bottom. This is the same for beads.
- Let the piece cure for 72 hours - 1 week.
- Pop the casting out of the mold and apply gold tape around the frame.
Placing gold tape around the edges. This beautifully completes the piece by adding the faux-soldered look and hiding any rough edges! |
- Add a ribbon to hang your creation.
Important Tip:
Even though they 'look' clean, don't forget to wash out your molds after EVERY use!
Labels: Castin Craft Mold Release, Envirotex Lite, Molds, Roberta Birnbaum, Ultra-Seal