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Monday, December 1, 2014

Awesome Resin

We are excited to have Roberta Birnbaum as our guest blogger today!
She shares in detail how easy it is to work with our Resin!

resin from chocolate mold

Half the fun about working with resin is finding the most unique molds to use and items to imbed!

I saw these adorable shapes and at $2.99 for the mold, I couldn't resist! 

What I love about working with molds like this is that you don't have to condition your mold before pouring your resin; just pour, let harden, and pop out!
As you can see, the main ingredients for this project are:
Chocolate mold
measuring cup
stir stick
marker or pastel
protective gloves
optional: pigments to add colour to your piece

First of all, I am going to start with some important tips!

resin from chocolate mold

 1. I like to mark my cup ahead of time. I usually use a black marker, but couldn't find it right away, so I grabbed a pastel stick. I knew I was going to pour 10cc each of the liquids. I find it is much easier to read, control the pour line and also keep me focused (when my mind wanders) on how much I want to pour.

resin from chocolate mold

 2; Try to pour and mix your liquids slowly. It is really important to stir for at least 2 minutes, then pour into a second cup and stir for 1 minute, if not longer to ensure a perfect mix. I prefer to use a fat wood stick (as opposed to popsicle-type sticks) because it moves the liquids along nicely and actually covers more territory in the measuring cup. Remember to scrape down the sides of your cup as you stir. 
resin from chocolate mold

 3. Bubbles will form on the surface. If you have imbedded any items they, too, will cause air bubbles. I like to wait at least 5 minutes for bubbles to rise to the surface.
resin from chocolate mold

 4. Heat removes the air bubbles. Breathing hot air directly onto the surface can work ( like when you go, 'Haaaa'); do not blow because that is cool air. But I prefer to use a torch or lighter. Sweep the flame across the surface and the bubbles instantly disappear.

resin from chocolate mold

I added red and green pigments. Notice the green purse has an image imbedded;you must seal all porous materials and make sure they are completely dry before pouring resin over them, or they will fade.
resin from chocolate mold

This purse has a metal charm in it.
resin from chocolate mold

Aren't they sweet?


  1. Absolutely gorgeous! The coloring makes them look antique.

  2. Thank you very much! I'm happy you like them

  3. What a great idea, to put something like a charm inside the purse. Love the colors you made. Were they straight from the bottle?



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