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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Super Hero Weapons With EasyCast

I have the most unique selection of molded super hero weapons to share with you today!  
I imagine these might be something Thor would carry.

To begin, let me mention that I found this ice cube tray at a home store and tested the back to see if resin would work in it. When this bubble of resin cured it peeled right off.

Then I gathered some different types of glitters/sequins.  I buy these all the time and end up having way too much in my stash.  I was determined to put these vials to good use.
I used EasyCast for my project.  I always do when I work in deep molds because EasyCast was designed to be poured into molds like this.  You can see I mixed up some fabulous cups.
Here is my filled mold.  I made sure to pop all the air bubbles. I then allowed this pour to cure for a full 24 hours.  
I have to point out is that sometimes you can add too many inclusions to your resin and it does not cure properly.  Happily, these glitters/sequins did not affect my resin and cured perfectly.
Here is a closer look at one of the resin weapons.
This one is just so pretty!
For my shield I opted to highlight the symbol with a little gold rub-on.
This will look super on a box top!
As an aside, whenever I know I am mixing a lot of resin, I keep an extra mold handy to pour extra resin into.  This starfish was created by pouring in everything leftover from this project.
The best happy accident ever!


  1. The starfish is a beauty! Oh! I have a bunch of $1 Store glitters that I've not known what to do with..little vials with only a tiny bit of glitter samples inside. These would be just enough for resin pour projects!

  2. I love the single blade Axe... It looks like real forged metal that's aged and pitting.
    Did you pour resin with black pigment with the silver glitter or does it just look black due to lighting?

    1. That is just shadowing from so much silver in such a small space. It looks amazing in person!

  3. Very cool, Carmi. How do you get the inclusions to stay exactly where you want them?

    1. In this case, I had to just hold my breath and see what happened.

    2. I was going to ask the same thing Eileen did. These look great, Carmi.

  4. Awesome! Love the MOLD! Thank you for continued inspiration.

  5. These are so unique and fanstastic! Thanks for sharing!


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