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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jewelry Grab Bag to Jewelry Box!

 This new EasyCast filled box top is just full of jewelry parts and components.
You might be worrying that I wasted a lot of jewelry and spent a great deal to make this happen.
I didn't!
 Wherever I go I keep my eyes peeled for grab bags.  Most antique markets have vendors with lots of broken jewels stuffed into a bag and inexpensively priced.  These two were only $6 each and because I purchased something else, the vendor gave me the bag I wanted for only$5.
 I opened the bag at home and immediately washed everything.  Anything I can incorporate into ongoing jewelry designs I set aside.  Most of these I knew I would not remake into a new piece of jewelry.
 I selected a wood box and painted the lid hot pink.  These lids already have a lip, so it holds resin with no extra work on my part.  (I bought them in the spring at Target.)
 I glued everything in place.  
Experience has shown that if I do not glue all the items, after I pour in resin, small items float to the surface....and I do not get the glass table top look I am after.
Glue I allow to dry overnight.   You do not want to pour resin over damp or partially dried glue

EasyCast is ideal for these projects.  
It was designed to be poured into molds and this box top is fairly deep.
 My finished Jewelry box top is just gorgeous!
One more fabulous item to add to my studio space.


  1. I just love it!!! Great job really!

  2. very cool! I'm looking at the final picture of your studio space - I don't remember seeing any emails about the fish bowl projects on top of your drawer unit. Can you post directions and closer picts for those?

    1. Here they are! The HOME DEC section on the sidebar is getting bigger!

    2. ahhh!! I did see that one! thank you. I am about to be a Grandma and was thinking how cool something like that would be with a sealed photo in there and maybe some baby items 'floating' around :)

  3. You have such great ideas, Carmi. Today I learned a new source for jewelry parts and doo dads. Grab bags - I haven't seen them in my area, but I'll keep an eye out when we travel. I'm always on the hunt for neat supplies.


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