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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Miniature Glass Charms

 I hope these tiny samples allow you to think about the many different ways Jewelry Clay can be used.
 My project features tiny glass vials, screw eyes, Pearl-Ex Powder and Jewelry Clay.
 I had filled these tiny glass vials with miniature people, dried flowers and Envirotex Lite resin earlier in the week.  The resin is holding all my embellishments in place permanently.
 I wanted my vials to become charms.  
To do that I placed a small amount of Jewelry Clay onto each vial opening, coloured it with Pearl-Ex gold powder and then pressed a screw eye into it.
I let my glass vials cure overnight and now I have the most fantastic wearable charms!


  1. What a cute idea ..... hadn't realized i could use the jewelry clay as a type of glue!! Thanks Carmi!

  2. What a great idea! and those little people trapped in those vials, do they scream???

  3. Those are great! I bet my daughter would love to have them


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