Here we are. Part two of a complicated resin project.
I hope this is giving you a few ideas!
When I posted yesterday, the last step was making sure that I had sealed my paper. Happily, my efforts were rewarded! No resin stains! So here are next steps.
My vintage pendant is not completely flat. To ensure that I did not have a resin over-pour I did two things.
1. I raised my pendant from my table top so that I was able to level my peice as much as possible.
2. I did not try to pour
Envirotex Lite right to the brim of each opening (see arrows above.)
It cured beautifully! But I am not done.
Now I am using glitter markers to add some lines, dots and scribbles to the first layer of cured resin. I think you know where I am going with this. When my glitter is dry I will pour a doming layer of Envirotex Lite over each of these areas. On Monday I will post my grand finished pendant!
Labels: Bezels and Other Components, Envirotex Lite, Glitter