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Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Little Blue Resin Bird

 Waiting for spring sure has been interesting in my part of the world.  It arrived mid march with a one week heat wave and then quickly left.  So if I want to see blue birds, I'll just have to make them myself.
 Once again I am working in a mold designed for cake makers.  (These are at Michael's craft store.) I thought this little bird was adorable.  I always keep a mold or two out on my table.  This is where I pour any left over resin.  Earlier this week when I made my owl bottle caps I had a little extra Jewelry Resin.  I just poured the final scraping from the cup into the bird mold.
 When it was cured I decided to add some paper napkin to the reverse.  It is a very simple way to add colour and interest to a molded piece.
 You can look through your clear piece to decide where on the napkin you might like to glue it.
 After I glued the napkin to the reverse of my resin bird, I cut away all the excess paper and applied a glaze layer of Jewelry Resin.  This really embeds the paper napkin and it also allowed me to just drop a tiny bail onto the bird back.
 I made a feather embellishment after seeing how pretty the bird was.
I easily attached both to a simple necklace.  Project done!


  1. Very pretty and unique!

  2. Very pretty! I wanted to ask you a question, I made some resin cameos the other day and I used pastel chalk to add color. The came out still a little soft. Was the resin to cold or did the pastel react with the resin?

    1. I have never used chalk to add my comment is not based on experience. I have tried all sorts of paint and glitters though.
      I do know that the more colourant or non resin mediums you use, the less likely it is that the resin will cure rock solid. It is why I finally switched over to ETI's colour additives because a tiny tooth pick drop of colour works so quickly and effectively.

    2. Thank you for answering my question. I'm going to Hobby Lobby tomorrow! lol!

  3. Wondering whether you've experienced this: I used resin to attach metal to metal for a pendant. Weeks after it was cured, I dropped it and a piece popped off. Is this not a proper use of resin?

    1. Metal to metal I usually use E6000. I think any glue could break away when dropped. It helps if you sand the areas where you are gluing to give resin or glue something to grip.

  4. What a cute project idea! And that's a great couple of tips about where to find molds and keeping one out for leftover resin. I finally bought some resin to try it out but have not had time to play with it. Am hoping to soon; in the meantime, I am enjoying reading your posts to learn more :)

  5. these are sooooooooooo adorable! I need those molds!


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