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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blogaversary and Coasters!

Today is the one year 
anniversary of Resin Crafts blog!
Thank you to everyone who has supported this blog through comments, emails and project ideas!
There is so much more to show you. 
Year two will be jam packed!  Stay tuned!
 So, make yourself a beverage and while you are at it give some thought to making these cool coasters.
 One of the first art classes I taught was about turning these plain tiles into artistic coasters.  Back them, I used several layers of liquid varnish as my sealer.  This was effective, but I found that glasses would stick to the surface.  Wish I knew about Envirotex Lite back then!
 Here is what I did for these tiles.  I used mod podge to cover my tiles with tissue.
 Then I painted the edges.
Finally, I applied one glaze coat of Envirotex Lite and I have this super shiny coaster surface that is durable, waterproof and UV resistant!  I can leave these on the patio without fear of rain!


  1. I can't believe it's been a year already. And a fruitful one at that. Many congratulations on a creative, fun-filled year. Looking forward to what lies ahead.

  2. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for all the great projects~

  3. Hmmm, I just made some for my Dad this past Christmas, but only used Mod Podge to seal. I may have to go get them from him and use ETI on top and make them even better!

  4. Congratulations on your blog-aversary. This is such a great place for creative inspiration. I have yet to play with your resin...but it's on the way...can't wait!

  5. Congratulations on your one year blog-aversary. It's been great following your projects over the year.Looking forward to what the next 12 months brings.

  6. Very cute coasters! Happy anniversary--am new to this blog and sure enjoying seeing the projects y'all have. Am looking forward to trying the resin out. Just bought some at Michael's.

  7. Happy Anniversary. I always enjoy reading your posts. Regarding the coasters, did you cover the whole coaster with Envirotex Lite, or just the tops? I'm wondering if condensation, or even rain, could get under the coaster and be absorbed by it through the bottom.


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