You might wonder what Mr. Resin Crafts Blog receives when holidays and birthdays appear on the calendar.
He loves cuff links!! I like to think the sets I make are the most unique in his collection.
Michael's Craft stores has a great line of bezels and happily I can report they included some cuff link blanks in the collection.
This set was made with pictures of our dog Magnus when he was a puppy. I used the new Jewelry Resin to complete the project.
I made a second set featuring our boy as he is now. He's handsome!
I did want you to know that I did have a bit of a craftastrophie! I was in a hurry to finish this project and did not do my customary three layers of protective paper coating with Ultra Seal. Lesson learned. See the stain I circled? This happens when resin penetrates the paper in any area not sealed. Luckily I had a back up set of cuff links and I was able to make a second one. I'll challenge myself to do something with my mistake!
Labels: Envirotex Lite, Tips