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Saturday, December 10, 2011

It Was A Good Week!

I hope you have a chance to view this week's posts about how I recycled some of the Christmas cards I received last year.


  1. I've enjoyed looking at this week's posts and would love to try this new resin out when it finds its way over to the UK. Seasonal Greetings!

  2. Carmi, do you know when the resin is going to be at Michaels? I keep going to ours and they don't have it.

  3. I have a stack of cards with great textures and colour and other assorted features - this is a great way to use those bits - I did some with leftover bits from the cricut but didn't think of this. Have to break out a few punches too!


    From Tyla @

  4. I don't write many comments. I have to say that I really enjoyed this series. Where are we able to purchase the jewelry resin?

  5. Thanks Jess! The new resin is going into all the Michael's craft stores in North America....I just don't know when...everything has been shipped...that I do know!! I can't wait to see it in my local store!


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