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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Envirotex Jewelry Resin - Say Hello To Resin Beads!

 You might wonder what happens when a company that sells resin beads send a package via the mail to me.  You might think "she needs more resin like a hole........"
There can never be enough resin.
 The one thing that happens is that I try and think of a way to make the resin my own!  This huge pink donut has been glazed twice with Envirotex Jewelry Resin and now I am sure I am the only one in the world with a donut like it.  Unless of course you like my idea and want to make one too!
Natural Touch sent me some amazing samples to play with.  I love them all!  
Today's post features pink resin but they are available in every colour under the rainbow!
I used:
One 55 mm resin donut bead (pink)
Two resin dice beads (pink)
Two resin rondelle beads (pink)
Odds and ends from my stash to finish the necklace.

 I decided to glue this tissue rose on to my pink donut.
 I added some green glitter marker lines and applied a light glaze of resin.  I let this cure overnight.
 A glaze cures a lot quicker than a shallow pour.  The next day, I applied some pink gel marker lines and then sealed this again with another light glaze of resin.  I let this cure for another day.
See how my rose looks like it is part of the resin bead now?  
I am not done with these resin beads...come back tomorrow for something fun!


  1. Carmi, when you say glaze, does that mean you put it on with a brush?

  2. Hi Bonnie, yes I use a paint brush. I keep a bunch of dollar store brushes on hand because once you dip them in resin you can't use them again.

  3. Very interesting! such creativity you have.


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