Resin Crafts Information Sections!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And The Give-A-Way Goes To.....

 At 9:01 this morning the generator selected blog comment number 256!

I had a lot of comments to count through!  The winner is Hope who left the comment below!
Hope, email me your contact information so that I can connect you with the great people at Environmental Technology Inc. who will be shipping your prizes to you! 

A very special thank you to Beckie from Infarrantly Creative for coordinating so many crafters who made these special projects featuring Envirotex Lite.  Their posts sent so many people to our site!  Thank you and hello to all our new friends!
An even bigger thank you to Environmental technologies Inc. for sponsoring this month of activity!


  1. Congatulations Hope, now you can get your craft on! Happy creating!

  2. Congratulations Hope!!! Enjoy!
    Karen :)

  3. To be a good sport I will say Congratulations to Hope! I am happy for you although a bit jealous 8)
    Seriously though I wish you lots of fun and happy times creating!!!


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